THE Strict press

The Practical Benefits of Strict Press in Everyday Activities


In the world of strength and conditioning, the strict press is often regarded as a fundamental exercise that builds upper body strength, power, and stability. While this is undoubtedly true, the benefits of this exercise extend far beyond the gym walls and into the realm of everyday life.

Everyday Applications of Strict Press

Consider the following everyday scenarios where the strength and stability developed through strict press can make a significant difference:

  1. Carrying groceries: Imagine carrying multiple grocery bags filled with heavy items. The strict press strengthens the muscles involved in shoulder flexion, extension, and stabilization, which are essential for maintaining proper posture and preventing shoulder pain while carrying heavy loads.

  2. Pushing open doors: Whether it's a heavy office door or a stubborn household door, the strict press targets the triceps, pectoralis major, and anterior deltoids, all of which play a crucial role in pushing movements.

  3. Lifting objects overhead: Reaching for a high shelf, putting away seasonal decorations, or even playing with children overhead all require upper body strength and stability. The strict press strengthens the muscles responsible for these movements, making overhead tasks less strenuous and more manageable.

  4. Maintaining posture: Proper posture is essential for overall health and well-being. The strict press strengthens the muscles that support good posture, including the upper back, shoulders, and core. Improved posture can help reduce back pain, improve breathing, and boost self-confidence.

  5. Enhancing athletic performance: Whether you enjoy recreational sports or competitive athletics, the strict press can enhance your performance in various activities. The strength and power developed through this exercise translate to better throwing, swinging, and hitting motions.

Incorporating Strict Press into Your Routine

If you're not already incorporating strict press into your workout routine, consider starting with a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain proper form. As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight. Here are some additional tips for performing strict press safely and effectively:

  1. Warm up properly: Before attempting any heavy lifting, warm up your muscles with lighter weights and dynamic stretches.

  2. Maintain proper form: Focus on keeping your back straight, your core engaged, and your elbows tucked in close to your body as you press the weight overhead.

  3. Breathe correctly: Exhale as you press the weight overhead and inhale as you lower it back down.

  4. Seek guidance if needed: If you're unsure about the proper form or have any concerns, don't hesitate to consult a certified strength and conditioning coach.

The strict press is not just a gym exercise; it's a tool that can empower you to perform everyday tasks with greater ease, improve your posture, and enhance your athletic performance. By incorporating strict press into your workout routine, you're investing in your overall strength, stability, and well-being.

Ready to experience the transformative power of strict press? Visit Ownit Rx, your premier strength and conditioning gym in West Oakland, and let our experienced coaches guide you towards achieving your fitness goals.


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